Monday, July 18, 2011

What is the best rock song ever devised?

From its early beginnings to what it is today. I ask what is the best rock song ever created that personified the essence of rock?

Is this a good pokemon team?

its...its....BUETIFULLLL!!!!cherim solar beam...LOL its good but it depends are you done with your badges if not its good it should be higher for elite four otherwise nice going=)

Has anyone watched resident evil:afterlife?

Does anyone know why the zombies were faster and had mask like faces? Also some of them had the fang/tentacle things coming out of their faces. Why? It was like they evolved or something. And does anybody know about that huge axe wielding zombie? WTF! he was just randomly there. What was that. Was he like created from the umbrella people?

What is the name of the song played in this commercial?

That commercial made by Carls Jr about the robot that cant eat the food? Machines cant eat it, machines shouldn't make it. what is the song played during this commercial. Thanks

Too late to pinch back shasta daisies? (Becky)?

I purchased two Becky variety shasta daisies at the local garden center. Each is about 2 feet high, made up of 5-6 stems and each has a leafy top and under those leaves are the beginnings of a bud. Is it too late to pinch these back? It seems too early for Becky to bloom here in Michigan. We are currently in the middle of iris season for comparison to anyone else out there. Would pinching these stems be bad for a summer bloom? I think the usual bloom time is about a month from now?

Why is Sift Heads World being stupid?

I made an account because when i finished the series i found out you can make an account so i did. everything was going fine till i reached world act 3. if you have an account you shouldn't have to pick a first weapon but it still tells me to. When i do pick a weapon the bullet doesn't even affect the villain. Its getting annoying cause its the same for everyone except worlds act 1 and 2? I need some help. cause i want to finish the game, ( even though i did already ) Also this problem made me loose my Thompson Machine Gun. I LOVED THAT GUN!! so yeah a little help would be nice. Oh my goodness i sound like a nerd.

Are we in the beginnings of stagflation?

Where have you been? We've been dealing with stagflation or worse for over a year now, and not only is Obozo making it worse he's STILL blaming Bush! He's had two years to straighten things out and he said he was going to put Americans back to work -- so why is our real unemployment rate over 10% nationwide? Better yet, why is it that the lame-stream liberal media is not calling it what it is -- A DEPRESSION!!?!??!???

What are you stronger at: Beginnings or Endings?

I do beginnings better. Probably because that's when I'm feeling the best about the idea, most excited to get it going so I can get to the good parts. Even when I do manage to end a story, it tends to not end up as good as I imagined it.

Teeth and gums hurt after wearing retainer.?

It is always important to follow your dentist's advice . You need to make another appt with him and have the retainer checked. Then please wear it every night as directed.

How to subpoena sheriffs records?

My ex and her boyfriend got into an altercation where the Sheriifs were called out, apparently this occurs regularly and this was the first time law enforcement was called. My daughter stays there 50% of the time and we are in the beginnings of a child custody battle, I have concerns about the childs safety at this location and have attempted to acquire these records as I am pro per in this matter yet was told they would have to be subpoenaed. The matter is in California and I am looking for advice on how to go about this, forms, hearings, etc. Thanks for any advice...

How many white democrats are there still left in the South?

I swear there are fewer and fewer as the old up and die. I remember Wallace and how have things changed. Not all for the better. But Obama is doing a fine job for being from humble beginnings. But he is not very good with the jobs. He can pay closer attention to that.

Which 7 historical figures would you want to continue on the existence of mankind with?

Mankind has a nuclear war, assuming all is wiped out but 3 nameless women, fragmented cities and a time machine that is limited to any 7 historical figures before the fuel needed to run it is exhausted, which 7 people from history would you choose to reestablish the human race in all it's glory!

I just bought a Singer Simple, and every 30 seconds the thread breaks while inside the machine...?

I bought it at a garage sale, but it's completely fine. Its NOT the thread, the thread is fine. I have to rethread it EVERY time I want to use it, even if it's only seconds between switching fabrics of what I want to sew. I've watched the instruction DVD, and read the manual, no answers to my problem.

What factors best explain the advantage of civilizations in the modern world?

and to what extent do you think that advantage may be rooted in the geographical factors of human civilizations beginnings?

Let me phrase this better* how can I get my dogs stink out of his blanket?

YES I own a washing machine, I still can't get the stink out. I only have baking soda, red vinegar and rice vinegar. Does it HAVE to be white vinegar?

<><><> Do you think that characters who have humble beginnings are more endearing <><><>.....?

There are plenty of likeable characters w/out humble beginnings. If you'd like to use HP as an example, Sirius, was born wealthy.

Is it OK for me to pretend I am a vampire?

See, I'm Christian. I would never actually drink blood (that sounds pretty gross) but is it ok for me to PRETEND I am a vampire? Will God mind? I guess all I'd do is wear fake fangs if I can find some and stuff.

I was picking out weeds (very tall ones) until something with 2 tiny fangs bit me?

It was probably some sort of insect. Has the bite swollen and are you in pain? If not you'll probably be okay - just keep an eye on it, and if things change then go and see someone. In the meantime, dab the wound with antiseptic to kill any potential infection, wrap a clean elastoplast around it. Should sort itself out soon. A word of advice ... next time wear gardening gloves!

I am looking for a anime?

ok the is a fighting anime set in a post apocalyptic world where monsters and beast roam live on the land and the humans live on some sort of machine in a town that could move. the main character in the anime is a teenager i guess who was part of the powerful group that travels around a slays the monsters and beast. then something happens that makes the higher ups strip him of he's title and put him in one of the town where he is sent to go to a academy of fighters. one he's first day he save a woman from a falling pillar and then he is put in a group that is lead by a girl. the last thing i remember is that he has some what of a special sword.

Rate my Pokemon team?

OOOOO I'll go for a pokemon battle too! Reply to me on any one of my open questions and I'll tell you my friend code!!!!!!! I have a ton of strong and legendaries, so you can count on me to be a strong opponent :) Though you seem like you have probably a middle-ish team. :) But theres only one way to tell :)

Should I get my hair chopped off?!?

cut a shoulder length bob, not a chin legth one, it wont make you look old at all and you'll still look fresh and gorgeous

How does lady gaga make these dresses she wears?

Like i get she has designers,but like what did she like go up to someone and be like " wanna dress like this" and thed make it? or would they just make stuff like this and shed just wear it?cause if her whole closet is full of sewing machines and wigs i wanna know how she does it,cause if and when im like that, i wanna know how she does iit

Did you ever feel braxton hicks contractions?

My braxton hicks contractions were stronger then the begining of my labor contractions :) My mom felt my stomach on my birthday and told me it was getting hard and then it would get soft I didn't have pain until I lost my mucus plug it was more painful and I started bleeding alot..

Question about the harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 trailer (SPOILER ALERT)?

in the trailer, there is a big tsunami created in the chamber of secrets. do you think that tsunami is caused by hufflepuffs cup when it see's its about to be destroyed by the basilisk fang (like the locket tried to drown harry when he was about to grab the sword), or do you think the tsunami was inside the cup and when ever the cup was destroyed, it escaped?

Will Dana Carvey and Kevin Nealon bring back Hans and Franz?

In light of the recent scandal surrounding the life of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Will Dana Carvey and Kevin Nealon bring back Hans and Franz? they certainly have the beginnings of a 4-5 minute sketch and we all know neither of them are incredibly busy in 2011.

Where do people who partake in alternative lifestyles primarily live?

I'm very interested in the Gothic culture and would like to live where there's things to do specifically for goths such as nightclubs and festivals. I'm also going to be getting a lot of body modifications done like 16 piercings, covered from the waist up, tongue split, ears pointed and permanent fangs. A friend of mine had suggested that I move to Germany because she had said they tend to be more open about alternative lifestyles and everything. Since I'm just starting out in college, I'll be able to study German and have some time to visit there. However, I would like to get a few more opinions before I dive right into it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.


I dont care how unhealthy it is I just wanna know what should I do? No diet pills or liquid diets. Just eating veggies, fruit & lean meats. & yes it's possible, because my friend did it with weight watchers but lost the weight in 6 weeks & it stayed off for a while & still is ! I'm 5'7 216 pounds & It's for school ! (: thankss && oh how long should I jog/run on my treadmill ? elliptical machine & stair master? & what should i eat? I start my diet next week

What are some things I can to keep myself happy and sane?

Honestly, this is all what my life is like right now: Work then come home and stay home. I have not had friends for years and have been in depression since childhood. Depression worsened in highschool because I was bullied by other students and in grade 12 I just shut down especially after finding out that some ppl from my grad class got together and voted me as "Never to be Heard from Again" for the school yearbook ... i was able to stand up for myself and not allow them to publish that in the yearbook, i went the yearbook teacher and asked him to please not let them publish that ... can you imagine? having something like that printed in ur grade 12 yearbook for everyone to see? no i wasnt going to let them have the satisfaction and im proud that I was able to do that much for myself .... other things that happened during my grade 12 year such as my house being burned down to my history teacher insulting me in class made my depression unbearable for me ... While during grade 12 year when other students were starting to plan their futures and new beginnings I began to feel as my life had ended for me and i spend almost every other day crying and I had turned into some sort of alien .. what my grad class did to me killed something inside of me ... i felt embarrassed and i began to feel very paranoid in school becuz i ***** imagine what the teachers were thinking of me .... I would find isolated hallways to get the class or wait till halls were cleared so that i wudnt have to face these ppl ... this was 2 years ago .. today i am in a better place and i have recovered alot but still this is a memory for life that i will take to my grave ... i am trying to lead a better life .. i think it is important that my story be shared so that ppl know how actions such as these can scar a person for life ...

Question about TVXQ/ DBSK's name.?

Tong Vfang Xien Qi is the Hanyu Pinyin according to SM Entertainment. So TVXQ is used for their Chinese name.

What does it mean when mum and I had the same dream at the same time?

We both dreamt that mum had a baby boy. We haven't been discussing babies or anything. I was reading up on dreams and babies signify new beginnings etc.. Is this new beginnings for mum? Or is it a more psychic connection? Any psychics or dream interpreters out there with their views on this would be welcome... :-)

What do you think about this idea?

I think its really good. if this is the beginning, then this is a good hook-- i wanted to keep reading it! keep going! i encourage you :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How much weight can i lose in 2 months with this workouts?

You absolutely can not exercise too much. Actually you should be doing Pushups and crunches, BENCH PRESS and MILITARY PRESS and BAR DIPS and PULL UPS. YOU ARE NOT EATING ENOUGH. Listen, you really need to stop this foo foo exercise routine and you need to be eating much more food. YOU NEED PROTEIN. YOU DO NOT NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT, YOU NEED TO GAIN MUSCLE. Muscle weighs more than fat. You can quickly convert any fat into hard muscle by lifting weights for strength training. At your age your body is capable of producing massive amounts of testosterone that will help make you lean and muscular. Your lucky for that and you can instigate this through strength training and proper diet. You should alternate between cardio workouts and weight training. I mean if you starve yourself and burn massive calories like you are doing you will end up a skinny, 90 LB weakling and I know that is not what you are going for. You should be eating lots of lean skinless chicken breasts. stay away from bread. Eat lots of low fat cottage cheese. Drink 1% milk. Eat fruits and veggies, too. Eat 5 times a day, at the same times every day (this means eat healthy snacks so you can build muscles while speeding up your metabolism so you have lots of energy and can lift more. You should make the world your gym. Drop and to pushups several times during the day. At a minimum you should be doing at least 100 pushups per day, 200 crunches. Try benching as much weight as you can at 4 reps of ten. IMPORTANT: All of this should only be done if you are medically cleared for this type of exersize. Meaning it is a good idea to get a sports physical from a doctor and talk to him or her about your goals. Get strong, Be strong. You are not overweight, you are under-strong. You should find a workout partner so you have someone to spot you and you can push eachother. "One more man- - You got it". Don't be a puss. Feel free to grunt on that last rep, lol. Just DO IT!

What is the machine you walk through in the entrance to every library, and why does it click?

Sometimes it clicks the same amount of times for two different people, no matter weight or number of books, and it clicks different amounts walking in and walking out sometimes, and no one I ask ever knows what it is for.

Should I hire a personal trainer?

I just joined a gym, but I don't really know what exercises to do or what machines to use because of there are so many. I'm 5'5" and 130-135 pounds. I don't really have a problem with my weight (though I wouldn't mind losing a couple pounds), but I am out of shape. I'd like to tone my entire body, but I want to focus on losing weight around my waist, and toning my butt and legs to make my hips look bigger. Basically I want to look more curvy. Should I get a personal trainer to help me create a workout plan or are my goals simple to achieve without one? If they are, can anyone give me some direction, because I feel lost?

Which virtual machine software do you recommend?

Never had any problems with VMware workstation. Cant' think of any reason to use anything else really.

What do you think of Creme De la Mer?

i want to know if it is worth spending the money on Miraculous Beginnings or should I go for a single product? My mom really loves La Mer but she doesn't want to spend my dad's money on any suggestions? Money is no object but value for money is required.

Does anyone know where I can go to identify types of spiders?

I am in a remote part of the lower part of Afghanistan and at night we find these very large (bigger than a man's hand) spiders. Not camel spiders or tarantulas either, we see those too and know all about them. These look like what you picture when you think about a typical spider only way, way bigger. They are grey/tan with short fur, with a small body in relation to their leg length which gets to be 4-5 inches from what we have seen so far, with big fangs. I have also personally seen one kill a camel spider in a matter of 1 to 2 seconds which leads me to believe they are venomous. I have spent a fair amount of time online trying to learn anything about them and I can't find anything. Everything I come across is usually dedicated to the camel spider (which also get really big). If anyone knows a website or is a spider expert I would really appreciate any help I can get. It's creepy enough trying to sleep knowing they are here all the time, so it would help to know something about them.

Has anyone had their height measured on a digital height measuring device?

I got my height measured twice, but I was like 3 or 4 cm taller on this machine than usual, so I went home to measure my self and found that I was still in fact the same height....has anyone had a similar experience?

Where can I buy wolf fangs?

I totally love Teen Wolf (the new MTV series) and i want to know where i could buy wolf fangs like the ones used in Teen Wolf. Thanks for the answers! I appreciate it!

To dream of this strange conbination what does this mean?

I dreamt that I was living in a town people feared me for some reason or another because I was suppose to a a vampire and a queen what does this mean. I think I looked at my teeth and I did have fangs. what could all this mean?

What are the top 5 world war 3 scenarios?

As economies in the majority of countries in the world collapse it's inevitable that civil wars and dictators will take over countries and start wars with neighboring countries as Germany did. What are the top 5 scenarios that for the beginnings of world war 3?

On unconsciously imitating other writers...?

you will always be influenced by your favorite writers. What I try to do is read stuff by as many different writers and genres that I can. It is only natural and perfectly ok to be influenced by your favorites though, as long as you are not completely plagiarizing

The purpose of a poem?

The rattlesnake is generally regarded as loathsome and deadly, but the poem presents it in a quite different way. Like all of nature's creatures, the rattlesnake is unique-- with a kind of fascinating beauty that none "can match."

What recent booster packs contain the pieces of Exodia?

I'm searching for all of the pieces of Exodia from the TCG Yu-Gi-Oh. I know already of Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon pack but it is VERY HARD to find except for in the Legendary Collections binder that has the 3 God cards but there is only one pack of LOB in it. I know of Dark Beginnings 1 booster pack but I can't find it at the Wal-mart here. I've known of Dark Legends, as well. The current flood of 5D's packs are making it very hard for me to find these packs. Is there any recent packs that might contain these 5 pieces? By the way, I don't care about cards that are better than Exodia. I'm just after these cards, so please don't post an answer about something better than Exodia because I don't care. Thank you very much and I really appreciate the help.

Confession time! What's one thing that's hard for you to admit about yourself?

For me, it's that I wasn't that pretty or popular in highschool. I was a tomboy kid who had a small circle of friends. I was shy! Now I'm a model, I make money off my looks and I carry myself very differently. I know everyone in the city and get more attention from boys than I can handle. It's a complete 180 from just a few short years ago. I'm 21 now and most people never knew that I was shy and reserved, and a complete nobody. On the plus side, I feel like it's kept me more grounded and it definitely makes my personality shine, but no one knows just why I am the way that I am ;) Humble beginnings is my secret! What's yours?

This might sound weird?

Im going to a costume party and the theme is vampires I already have natural fangs but I want them to be sharper how can I make them sharper?

My 8 year old daughter loves singing along with Youtube, we've bought her a couple of microphones but ....?

both had a pretty short life. Is there something robust we can get her that doesn't cost too much. There are a few on the market but you have to sing along with Hannah Montana or High School Musical. She doesn't like either. We may get her a Karaoke machine later on but for now is there a cheap robust mike that we can plug into the laptop for her ?. Being 8, there are a lot that are too babyish for her.

Pokemon black/white which pokemon?

It is nice that your Stoutland has different elemental moves, but you should give it a strong physical Normal type move whenever it needs to hit hard. Double-Edge ought to do it... and remember, a move that is the same elemental type as the Pok�mon using it will gain 50% more damage output.

I hit puberty in grade 4, but my voice never cracked/deepened?

I had the beginnings of a mustache in grade 4, I was a head taller than everyone in my class, and that summer my voice changed slightly, but didn't get that deep. It just sounded kinda weird. Then when I was 12, I grew to around 5'11 in a massive growth spurt. I'm now 17, I shave, and I have without a doubt finished puberty by a couple of years now. However, my voice never cracked. I think it's a kinda weird voice for a guy my age, plus it's monotone and I feel it should be deeper. I cannot sing or anything of that sort as my voice only has one tone, and lacks feeling usually. Will my voice deepen or gain tone as I age?

Hofner contemporary bass wilkinson machines?

My HCT bass broke one of its tune heads , just the white bit and its impossible to tune. i need to buy Wilkinson tuners but cant find them anywhere !! Other dint match , i need to make my holes bigger. does anyone one know where i can buy them or something similar

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why do Republicans say such Vile Things about The President?

I mean I understand you guys don't like him, or agree with him policy wise. But why do you result to such nasty name calling. You guys sit there and talk so much garbage about the guy. He's obviously not as stupid as you guys want to believe he is. He whipped the floor with Sarah palin in 2008 and a New Poll shows if the USA Presidental election was based on Alaskan's being the only state to vote, he would again win by a landslide even in her own state. You guys talk so much trash but look at the candidates you put forth. Again.your setting yourselves up to fall down. Mitt Romney Lost to McCain in 2008 you think his appeal is any stronger after Obama passed healthcare? You're gonna put a walking gaffe machine like Michelle Bachmann up, who will be nothing but a wet dream for every Centrist or left leaning political commentator / writer/ editor? You might as well not even run a candidate .

Handling Problems on my Motorbike?

"It is a good bike for the Money." I bet you can't find out who actually made the bike. You got what you paid for. Thanks for hurting american Jobs.

How do you handle a family member who's constantly seeking compliments?

It is possible that deep down she is unhappy and seeks these compliments to make herself feel good. Some people are very insecure but show it in ways like this. You can especially know if this is the case if she never tells you any of the bad things that she is dealing with, because you know just as well as I know that we all have bad in our lives, nothing is perfect.

New iPod Touch Game Help?

What is the name of the game where you are a purple blob and if you eat an acorn you turn into a square and you hit this machine thing to pass the level (in the game its called a jar)?

Where can i go to hook up my oldsmobile alero keyfob?

i bought an olds alero and it came with a keyfob to unlock doors, trunk, etc. that doesnt work. i brought it to my local mechanic and he couldn't hook it up. i brought it to a locksmith and he couldn't hook it up. they both said that gm uses a specific machine to hook up the keyfob.since oldsmobile is no more, where do i bring this thing to get hooked up? a gm or chevy dealer? and will they even be able to do that there? how much am i going to get charged?

Anyone know about ps3's, ylods, etc.?

Once you get the yellow light it is possible to keep the system on life support--assuming there aren't other issues-- but it's only a temporary fix; one usually filled with headaches. If you don't have the solder reballed and instead choose to reflow it; this is inevitable. You are on a sinking ship. It's time to consider a new console. There are many things that could have caused your yellow light, and following his video does not attack all possible issues. Sometimes the problem simply can't be fixed. When you have major hardware failure like that, so many components can be affected.

How can I come up with fresh and unique ideas for a novel?

I have a lot of ideas, but they've already been done. I'm really trying to avoid these predictable things that show up in tons of stories and movies like the evil monolithic corporation that cares about only money, the little guy from humble beginnings who makes it big against all odds or the most annoying thing: a 99.9% happy ending where nearly everything turns out okay. I don't want to nuke the world or have seemingly friendly aliens come down only to destroy everyone. Does anyone know how I can come up with genuine ideas that haven't been done before?

There is a bump/swelling on my cat's neck?

take him to the vet! find the time to take him to the vet, he may have a medical issue that needs vet care

Is this a good team to battle red in ss?

He will annihilate you if your Pokes are that low level. Get them to at least level 84. Other than that you're fine.

Overworking muscles and weight loss?

Hi, I am currently trying to slim down for an upcoming vacation towards the end of August. Right now my mian focus is to be lean (losing all the fat first, and then I will dream of toning up). Anywho, I have been doing cardio for about 40 minutes daily which I think is fine, but the question that I have is if I'm overworking on my muscles. After 40 minutes of cardio, I would do leg adductions, and leg abductions, along with leg curls , leg extensions and crunches. I also do bicep curls on the side. I do 60 leg ab and ad, and 20 leg extension and leg curls. I also do 50 crunches on this machine at the gym. I was planning on working my muscles everyday, but people told me its not good, because my muscles wont have a chance to rip, again, I just want to get lean right now because I am overweight. Would I benefit from doing all of this, or should I listen and take breaks every other day, or 2 on 1 off? I also do lunges, and squats at home, is that considered cardio or is that working the muscles too? Also can I do bicep curls at home because I have weights or should I take a break? Thanks

B&A: Advice for writing beginnings?

I agree that your story may not need a "beginning." Without actually reading it, it's hard to say for sure, but it is possible that something you have already written could function as the first chapter in your book. It might require a bit of tweaking, say, adding more information or detail here and there, or it may require explaining certain things in greater detail at other points in the story.

Meaning of this quote from a book.?

He believes that humans have some ounce of decency and principles and can take responsibility for their actions and word and even the circumstances we're presented with. If he didn't believe that then he wouldn't have mourned the fact that his children didn't live long enough and wish his youngest would grow up to become people who have the ability to live life but carry themselves with integrity,principles and a sense of responsibility.

I have a mild overbite on my two front teeth, can invisalign fix this?

my two front teeth have turned into an overbite, and have pushed the teeth next to them on an angle. not like fangs or anything but i want to straighten them up! help!

How do you breastfeed correctly?

I just had my daughter 5 weeks ago. (first time parent) From the moment she was born, I breastfed her correctly for two days from the help of two lactation consultans.Then I ended up getting sore nipples to where they were chapped, cracked, and bleeding. This just made me emotional because even though I was in pain I still tried to feed her but it was too painful. So I had to supplement formula for her to eat. But when me and my fiance got home from the hospital it was hard for me to help her get in the right position. She would latch but only on the tip, and again I got sore nipples. I called the hotlines, went to Healthy Beginnings to show me how. It seems it's easy when someone helps me but when I do it on my own it isn't so easy anymore. Anyway, these last few weeks I been giving her formula, which I don't want. I don't wanna give up on giving her breastmilk. I still have milk in my breast. Is there someone out there that can explain this in a much easier way.

What should i do to my pokemon team in soul silver to beat the elite 4?

well for 1 yud do a lot better teaching ampharos or something else ice beam or ice punch and also traing more evenly so yu dont fall into the situation where ur strongest pokemon is down for the count and ur whole battle falls apart. and also this mite b jus me but i hate garados and never have nor will i use him.. take him out for maybe a fighting or dark type

Why don't humans have any natural defense mechanisms?

Tigers have sharp claws and teeth, wolves have power sharp teeth, gorillas have powerful arms, elephants have tusks, rhinos have horns, spiders have venom, snakes have either a tight grip, or venomous/sharp fangs, sharks have sharp teeth, and humans have guns and knives. Why are we the weakest animals for our size???

I need help with fixing up my half human/half snake character's history.?

He obtained some sort of downside that would make turning him into a freak of nature not a Gary-Stu transformation.

How did the tradition begin?

As I trace my family tree I've noticed that my middle name is the same as my mother's maiden name. I've noticed that this system repeats itself in earlier generations. How did that get started? Was it a regional tradition or did it have other specific beginnings?

Teen losing weight help!?

Drink 16 oz. of water every morning right away when you wake up. It's a good kick start to your metabolism for the day.

A little fuzzy about "psychology as a formal discipline"?

My college paper question is : Identify philosophers that historically relate to the beginnings of psychology as a formal discipline. I have all my facts on the philosophers and such and how psychology emerged from philosophy, however the "PSYCHOLOGY AS A FORMAL DISCIPLINE" does not make scene to me. what is it they mean by Formal Discipline? please explain!

Is this team ready for the pokemon league in pearl?

As long as you pack plenty of items and level up on the way you're fine. watch out for spiritomb though, it has no weaknesses

Can you read this and tell me what you think?

Oh my god. It's so beautiful. The way its written is mind blowing. It so sad I sware I was about to cry. Write more, post more, I wanta read more.

Rate my 5 pokemon teams Pokemon White?

I know this isn't the answer you are looking for, but dude, those teams all friggin rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would have a pokemon from each element tho. Except bug..... they kinda suck. Anyway, awesome teams!

Pokemon black and white tyranitar?

Go with the Dragon Dancer, EV it in Atk, Sp.Def (if you want), and Def. Divide the Evs equally to your liking.

Pokemon Emerald: Best place to level up to beat the Pokemon League?

definately do not catch rayquaza with master ball it will only waste it, google how you can catch easily without it. the best way to fight the elite four is to challenge the elite four if u beat one of the pokemon youll gain experience and eventually beat 2 and so on and so on eventually ull level up alternative get acro bick put pokemon in daycare and jump by pressing b to ur hearts content(i taped it down and in four hours 30 levels)

How normal is it for infants who were born early to need an oxygen tank to breathe properly?

Premature babies tend to have weak lungs and their chances of survival are considerably better if they receive oxygen. Normal means they die.

Is it possible to have vamp fangs?

is it possible to get vampire fangs surgically implanted in plase of my canine teeth? and if so, about how much would it cost and where would i go to get it done?

Where is the woman who can love me like I love her?

I am looking for the woman who will love me like her king because I love her like my queen. I am an affectionate man and a passionate partner. My passion runs deeper than just pleasures of the flesh. I will fill you heart with the kind of warmth you only feel when you're in love. I firmly believe in the golden rule "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you". The last few relationships I've been in I thought I found "the one". But then in about the second or third year I'd be taken for granted and find that I'm unappreciated. I am a simple man and enjoy the simplest things in life. A deep long stare in my eyes, with the beginnings of a hint of a smile is enough to get my attention and tells me you love me without ever saying a word, even if it's from across the room through a crowd of people. I am a romantic at heart, but can't seem to find my "Juliette". So I am just there a woman who won't break what I give her freely. I'm not afraid to give my heart to her, because I'm an all or nothing kind of guy! Opinions please!

Yearbook senior graduation headline?

I need a headline to go at the top of a caption on the graduation page in the yearbook. It could be a song or whatever. For example, last year one was "New Beginnings" and "The Next Chapter"

How do i turn my chiffon dress back to white?

right, like an idiot i mixed 7 black dresses and 1 white chiffon dress into the washing machine, now my chiffon is now dark... do you think if i wash the chiffon dress with bleach and washing powder the dress will turn back to white ???!!!

Forgot this movie D:?

Ok well I watched it on comedy central once, most of the part I remenber I think it was a millitary experiment and they got this 2 people in time machines and they where supposed to be open shortly after a period of time but the project got shutdown and they never open the time machines again and then the guy in one of the time machine wakes up in a landfill and the city has a huge landfilled and then it those like an avalanche and he crashes into a guys window lol anyone help me out please D:

How did Christianity spread from it's beginnings?

Jesus died somewhere around 30 A.D. and his narrative was written some 30 to 40 years later. How did Christianity spread from there?

In Sims Medieval, can you finish more than one ambition with one kingdom?

I finished the New Beginnings ambition, and I'm moving onto the next one. Can I take my first kingdom and just use it for the next ambition? Or do I have to make a whole new kingdom?

How to act like a vampire?

I'm no twilight freak and do not want to act like one of there vampires. I wanna fool my friends not because I'm some freak but because I'm bored and wanna have some fun. I wanna go for the effect that I just recently got bit. I know the basics, wear sunglasses out in sun light, don't eat around other ppl I'm trying to fool. Act tired in school since vampires stay up all night (don't believe the no sleep crap in twlight) but I wanna make bite marks but I don't want to make them noticable but if I'm changing in front of my friends I wanna seem like I'm hiding them. I also wamna get fake fangs because in most myths and books that vampires can control when there fangs are out. (any good places online to get them any popular stores and not the cheap fangs that make u slobber. Is there any other tips like how to act in school. Remeber I'm trying to go for a just got bit and not the wears black goth type or twilight type. Ps sorry for spelling and I'm a 15 year old girl

How to get a six pack(14 year old Guy)?

Im a 14 yr old boy. Ive been going to the gym 3-4 times a week since February. I use the stair master and bike to help burn calories. I do crunches and the bicycle ab workout, i also do a machine called the ab twister there. i do 120 crunches when i go and 5 sets of the bicycle, Im 5'9 and 149 pounds. im not fat at all, and not really really skinny. Im in good shape, but its not a six pack, its just a flat stomach i guess. I eat kinda healthy but not the best. Please help and give me tips! Is it the food Im eating? or do i need to do more workouts? I REALLY want A SIX PACK!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Need Workout Tips.....HELP?

Hello all, I just got a membership to a local gym and I'm looking for some help/tips. What I want to achieve is a flat chest, and flat/tight stomach. What machines and how many reps should I do to improve these areas?

What do you think of my writing?

I think it's good but some of the dialogue is a little that the end of the scene or the end of the whole thing? because if its just the end of the scene, then i would love to read more, seirously! you can email when more that you have written if you want.

I felt a burn like fire.... What stung me?

I was chopping trees and felt what I describe as a coal of fire on my leg. Then my entire leg was on fire and tingling. Before long there was localized swelling the spread throughout my entire leg. The burning and tingling got worse and where the initial burn I felt was I noticed my skin was pitted. There was no fang marks or sting marks. Within 45 minutes to an hours I became nauseated and had stomach cramps with diarrhea. Throughout the night I experienced muscle twitches and cramps. WHAT STUNG/BOT ME?????

Help me with Statistics ....Please!! (need to know answer and how answer was achieved)?

The Tyco Video Game Corporation finds that it is losing income because of slugs used in video games. The machines must be adjusted to accept coins only if they fall within certain limits. In order to set those limits, the mean weight of quarters in circulation must be estimated. A sample of quarters will be weighed in order to determine the mean. How many quarters must we randomly select and weigh if we want to be 97% confident that the sample mean is within 0.022 grams of the true population mean for all quarters? Based on results from a sample of quarters, we can estimate the population standard deviation as 0.073 grams.

How do you quieten down a cooling fan in an Alienware Aurora desktop?

I have an Alienware Aurora which is driving me nuts right now. Everytime I turn the machine on, the cooling fan start making this loud humming sound. It sounds like a jumbo jet about to take off. I tried cleaning off all the fans with dust didn't fix the problem. I also checked to see if there's anything loose...there's nothing I could find. I know there's another option under BIOs. If anyone knows what settings to change, please let me know. I don't want to screw up my system by choosing the wrong settings out of stupidity. Under CPU Fan Control Settings - It says enabled. Under Fan Control Settings - It say enabled as well. Under Lowest Fan Speed - It has it listed as slow. Do I need to change these & if so, which ones? I can't adjust the RPM speed & temperature settings. It won't allow me to do so. Any help would be appreciated because the sound is annoying to listen to. After each use, I have to turn the machine off because of the loud humming sound.

Why am i seeing number 4 a lot all a sudden?

It means that you are going to become the president. 4 year term. And you can be reelected twice. 2 plus 2 is four. 4 is a four letter word. And if you divide 16 by 4 you get for.

I need help with a book series?

ok i wanna read this series of book by james patterson and the only book i know from this series is "fang" so can you help give me all the books in this series in order so i can read them in order

Rate My SoulSilver and Pearl Team?

Very good Pok�mon with varied element techniques. It's better to find other better Pok�mons since they might be powerful than the ones you chose!

Why did my cat randomly Hurt my mom so bad?

Weve had our cat for over a year and he is an outside cat. He loves my mom and smooches and loves on her, but when he goes outside, he acts like he cares nothing about us. Outside my mom tried to pet him and he randomly bit her. The fangs went all the way through her hand.He is male unfixed. I dont need lectures about fixing him

Rate my pokemon White Competitive team and help me improve on it?

5/10 since your team isn't fully trained yet and your still working on moves. I suggest teaching your team some ground type moves since two of your Pokemon are weak to Electric types and it helps take out most Poison types. On Lucario, you could switch one of the moves (probably Counter) for Dragon Pulse or Stone Edge/Rock Slide there good moves. Type Coverage wise you did well.

Is this team ready for the pokemon league in pearl?

Its really a great team! I mean, Ive seen a few better but mine was about the same as yours. I hope you total them!

Is there a dye or somewhere I can send my 2 seater polyester canopy to return it to its' original black?

my lovely 2 seater swing seat has a black polyester canopy. The underside is still a lovely black but the top has gone a terrible grey in the sunlight. I tried Dylon machine dye but it didn't touch it. Is there somewhere I can send it to get it re-done or a simple way I can do it myself?

Please do not power off or unplug.... message for the last 3 hours!! Help?

it is nothing to worry about..your computer is installing updates on your computer..if you dont want then just turn off the auto updates start>control panel>system security>windows updates>turn off auto updates..well auto update is a good thing..dont turn off.

What TV shows need to end already? What?

If it has not been canceled already then The Cleveland show needs to end. My God, that show was awful. Kendra is terrible! Cougar Town is a mediocre sit-com. I watched a few episodes from Season 1 but never saw any reason to check out season 2. I like Bianca Kajlich but The Rules of Engagement also needs to get the axe.

Am I getting a six pack?

Power yoga is great for the core, so you're getting the required muscle work for a six pack to be there, and you stated that you've lost 20 lbs which means you've likely lost most of the layer of belly fat that was preventing the abdominal muscles from showing through. Keep it you're doing great!

History help please I have no idea what to do I asjed my teacher but she hasnt gotten back to me please?

Why don't you just wiki the answers if you want to be lazy. I'm not doing your homework for you slacker. And if you really don't understand you should just drop out of school because it obviously is doing nothing for you.

Is this a good team to battle red in ss?

I'm not sure about where to train but unless you're a pro you'll probably need to be around lvl 60 to have a good chance.

Correct my Grammar ,please?

If your sentence sounds silly to you, or hard to read, just say it different ways until it sounds right then write it! :) Switch your words up a little. You can do it!

Braces question/opinion! please answer anyoneee!?

Right, well my teeth are decent at the moment, but I have like fangs so am getting braces! I'm nearly 14 and I know this sounds vein, but am scared I'm gonna look bad and that no more guys will ever think I'm hot again :/ also, loads of my friends have had their braces on and off already! I definitly want braces because then my teeth will be perfect after, but I have to have them for like two years :( is there anythings I could do to have them on for quicker? Or do guys think girls with braces are fugly?! I'm in such a dilema I just need my head sorted out with some sane comments!

Interested in magic? check out my new book?

This is..... FANTASIC!!! I love the way you say magic us like energy! Classic. You have something going here

How do I send an online purchase to a different house?

I'm buying a set of fangs from for a photoshoot/future halloween costumes, and though my mother does not mind the purchase, she does not want me ordering things online. So a friend agreed to let me use his address for the package. I don't want any trace of this purchase being made online, so how do I make the purchase with my debit card and send everything to his house under his name?

How do you reconcile Macro-Evolution and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?

Considering that we are using up our resources, which points to a beginning (according to science). I believe in a supreme being who sits outside of the laws of physics and created it all...but if you are to say there is no "supernatural", how do you justify the beginnings of evolution without breaking your own law?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Does this make me a Gnostic Agnostic?

The gnostics believed in Knowledge of ones own godliness, not lack of knowledge. Gnosis = Knowledge.

Selling on Ebay without a Paypal account?

Hi- I want to sell some books and videos I produced on eBay. I already sell on , but it is slow there. I use to have better luck with ebay. However, I have Paypal issues and do not want to use PayPal. Can I sell my books on eBay without Paypal. Is there another method? ( i do not have a credit card machine myself and need the site to collect for me). Are there other places besides eBay and where I can sell my books and videos with a shopping cart? Thanks - and not happy with Paypal at all.

What are some other examples that you can think of in recent history when police made a decision about crowd..?

What are some other examples (local, national, or international) that you can think of in recent history (post-1945) when a police or military official made a decision regarding crowd-control that was subsequently criticized besides the vietnam war beginnings? any ideas are great :)

How does technological changes in American society impact on the beginnings of jazz?

You can answer this in dot point if you wish. Any information would be greatly appreciated. You could give me any information regarding technological changes in America back when jazz was starting. Like the time when the recording business nearly completely shut down, then it got better when the recorded jazz and the record companies starting making records again then the radio played jazz and everyone loved it etc... In advance THANK YOU!! :D

Pokemon platinum - team ?

i wouldnt bother teaching lucatrio foresight as 3/4 of its listed moves can hit it. i would replace togekiss with dragonite or replace togekiss' fly with sky attack. empoleon i would teach hydro cannon, flash cannon, ice beam and grass knot. houndoom i would replace iron tail with nasty plot as it sharply raises sp attack.

Is that okay to change topic to avoid fight or agrue? ?

I would tell him there is another vending machine around the corner with a better selection, and when he goes there, leave the other way quickly.

What are some of your favourite names?

i adore these names, although tizai was my nickname in 4th and 5th grade because apparently tierzah (tear-zuh) was harder for little 4th and 5th graders to pronounce. i am in love with the names mavrick, destrey, and griffen. none are near as unique as these though.

Whether or not 2012 will be our end or if the great tribulation is upon us, why not realize life is short?

It really dosent much matter...if 2012 is the end or if the we are already past the beginnings of the apocalypse...we are all gauranteed that we will face death. Life is short anyway. None of us who are alive have proof of an afterlife. I for one prefer to believe in faith that there must be...otherwise wouldn't a mere 100 years at best for each of us seem irrelevant compared to an eternity?

HSBC how to get my pin code?

i got my debit card come through the post and all the other things but i didnt get a letter containing my pin, howeevr i got a HSBC secure code thing that looks like a small calculator and it asked me to make a PIN is that the PIN i would use when putting my card in the machine?

Questions about fighting scenes as a hook?

I can't figure out how to write a fighting scene as a hook. Do you start with an action, or with a setting? Do you like fighting scenes in the beginnings of stories? And should the fight be long, or short?

A female character or historical figure like Eva Per�n?

I'm trying to think of a reference, could be literary or historical but it's been driving me crazy: someone similar to Eva Per�n in that she was born into humble beginnings and rose to great status, but was still criticized by people of the upper class, which only drove her ambitions. Her promiscuity might've been thrown around. It's not Lady Macbeth or Anne Boleyn. It's a modern example I think. Please help me figure this out!

Can a pregnancy be mistaken for a cyst?

okay, heres the scoop: My husband and I are ttc. On April 27th I had a transvaginal ultrasound and my doctor said there was a very small cyst on one of my ovaries but there was nothing to worry about and it should go away on its own with my next period. Then on that following saturday, April 30th I got a big fat positive hpt!! And every day there after for 3 days :) Monday, May 2nd my period didnt come so I had blood work done and my hcg came back 1200. 48 hrs later I tested again and my hcg doubled to 2400. I asked my doctor if I needed to be concerned with the cyst now that im pregnant and she said no, that it could even be possible that cyst was mistaken for the beginnings of my pregnancy? Ive just never heard of such a thing and wanted to know if anyone has heard of this. If the cyst was on my ovary how could that have been the beginning of my pregnancy? But if it IS in fact just a small cyst, what do I do about it now that im pregnant? And more importantly could a cyst give off pregnancy symptoms, including hcg in my blood , and im really not pregnant at all? I never did start my period and have had absolutely no spotting. Some cramps, but ive heard thats normal in the beginning with your ligaments stretching out n all. but im confused?! I want to be happy about my pregnancy, we've had miscarriages in the past. But this doctor has me very confused with this whole cyst thing. Ive switched doctors and have another apt next monday where I hope to get more clarification but until then I dont want to go crazy :( Am I experiencing symptoms of a cyst or am I pregnant?

No sound on computer. =(?

You can download a software on the internet and install it on your computer. I had the same problem a few years back too.

What can i feed my baby Hydrolycus Payara fish?

I bought a payara fish like 2 days ago from pet supermarket. Its about 2 inches long. It stilll dont have the 2 big fangs but it gots some teeth. It doesnt eat, its too small to be eating any other smal fish so i tried feeding it some cut ham but it doesnt eat it. What should i feed it?? Any answers are helpful THANKs

HORRRIBLE teeth, please read!?

Hi i kinda had the same problem!, well for what you have theire might be more then braces that the dentist will have to do. I had really really pointy teeth which just lookes stupid so the dentist filed them a bit for me fixing them out. and for braces you can get these plans where you pay them off month by month 100-200 $/month depending on which one you pick. Anyways i hope this helps! and Yess its super annoying when people get braces for a stupid little tooth!

At what point will the Tea Party and the Progressives have to split from the Republican and Democratic parties?

Both factions are in control of those respective parties at the current time. I don't think the Democrats will ever be free of the parade of loons of all type that have flocked to its banners. As for the Republicans, that party is ever teetering between real conservatives and phonies.

What were the beginnings of computer graphics in Europe, Russia and Japan?

I'm familiar with the work of Ivan Sutherland on Sketchpad at MIT. Was any comparable work being done in the '50s and '60s in Europe, Russia, Japan or South America?

Am I liable for lost keys in USPS mail?

I recently resigned from a job which I had keys for. So I sent them through USPS in a small envelope (I know, I shouldn't have, but I did it before reading you shouldn't and should rather use a menela padded envelope as these are hand sorted) and my ex boss said he received an empty envelope (did not state how the envelope was) and also said if he has to change the locks he has to change 100 at $8.00 each. So I'm assuming they either got lost from the envelope tearing while going through the sorting machine or someone stole them, which is very slim as only 2 people would have came into contact with them as it is automated, the person picking it up, who didn't because my family knows him and the person delivering it. My question is, am I liable for the loss even though a third party delivered it? Can they send me the bill, and do I have to pay it? Can they bring me to court? Could they some how make a claim with the post office and get compensated?

Do acer and asus make good lap tops?

Hey I am looking for a laptop for school but not just for that I want one that can run some games anything in the total war series and the new Witcher 2 game. I was looking around and I saw the new acer 13.3" Timeline Series Notebook and it looks like a great machine for the money. Then some one told me acer's have problems etc. I also saw the Asus N53SV-XR1 15.6" Notebook and that looked like a good buy as well but when I asked my friend who knows quite a bit about computers he said he didn't know much about that particular brand. So if any one could help me that would be great.

HSBC how to get my pin code?

i got my debit card come through the post and all the other things but i didnt get a letter containing my pin, howeevr i got a HSBC secure code thing that looks like a small calculator and it asked me to make a PIN is that the PIN i would use when putting my card in the machine?

Good addition to pokemon team?

Definately keep Dragonite, I am not a huge fan of Gyarados, and I really like Magnezone. I think Your Magnezone has a good move set, so I would switch Gyarados. I would recomend replacing it with a ground type, being strong against fire (which is strong on Magnezone) and electric (Which is good against Dragonite). A good ground type would be Donphan, Flygon, and Rhyperior. I personally like Donphan the best plus he is easy to get so I would choose Donphan.

What are those root-looking things growing on my red maranta plant?

My red maranta plant (prayer plant) is quite long now. It has grown what appear to be the beginnings of roots near the middle to end areas of the long hanging branches. Are these roots, or tendrils of another kind?

Does anyone have cherry master cheats?

I play the magical odds poker machine and do pretty well but I was just wondering if anyone had any hints and ideas on how to win better?? Give me a trick or two and I'll give you one back!!!

Should I still allow my son's father to see my son if he refuses to pay off child support debt to govt?

I received a call from child support yesterday telling me son's father has not paid off any of his debt back to govt (as I was on welfare) and they are willing to do a settlement with him where they would take off $20,000 of his debt. My son's father is not even willing to compromise on any settlement. He just blames me for all his problems...saying that I caused the govt to take money out of his credit card machines and bank accounts. He refuses to pay them anything and said I had no business collecting aid in the first place.

Which 7 historical figures would you want to continue on the existence of mankind with?

Mankind has a nuclear war, assuming all is wiped out but 3 nameless women, fragmented cities and a time machine that is limited to any 7 historical figures before the fuel needed to run it is exhausted, which 7 people from history would you choose to reestablish the human race in all it's glory!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I think my friends still hate me, help me?

we all do some silly and stupid things in our time and then regret it later. But there is nothing better than being honest. Find the strength to face your friends and tell them you realise how stupid youve been and that you are sorry for your childish actiions and in future you will act in a more sensible and grown up way. If they accept your apology they can be classed as friends if not then in my opinion they are not worth being a friend and you deserve decent friends as I really dont think you a bad person at all. The most important thing about this affair is have you learnt a valuable lesson. That of respecting your friends

Why should we take any one of these 3 as the true basis of thinking? I see no reason.?

No they aren't, they're correct. Steady State theory (3) was completely destroyed by Big Bang cosmology. If you do no not understand that (1) is the only correct option, you have not understood modern science.

New Job New Beginnings or New Job Run Away!! ?

I have been working at a new job for about 3 months and I really enjoy it. It's a medical malpractice insurance company the pay is GREAT, but lately it seems all the work has been coming to me. Everytime I turn around my boss is assigning me a huge project to do on top of other things and then takes tasks away from other employees and mentions that I can do it. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed. Is this New Job New Beginnings or New Job Run Away!! ???

Why might I find it hard to day dream about my stories?

I love day dreaming and I love writing. It seems I can't mix the two though. When I try day dreaming about the events of my story, I can't. It's like I get bored with it even though I love the story idea and everything. Right now, I have my stories planned out with each event being bullet pointed on Word. I've started writing the beginnings of them too. So I know it's not because I don't know what should happen. What might be the problem?

I need an exercise plan for the gym.?

I started going to the gym recently, and I need a good gym plan. I did the bike for 15 minutes, elliptical for 10 minutes, treadmill for 10 minutes, and the rest I used machines. How can I target my thighs, arms, and abs to lose fat at the gym?

Rate my Elite four Rematch Team?

In my opinion your team is very balanced, which is a very good thing. I have no suggestion and since your Pokemon are that leveled up keep on leveling up.

Rate my pokemon team?

A very well built team but you don't have a flying type pokemon. You have everything including al elements except flying

CP3 & D12 to the New Jersey Nets?

New Jersey Just gave away half their crap for WIlliams why would they give the rest of their crap for Paul. And why would they trade for Howard when they have Lopez who is a top Center in the league do some homework the Nets could us a SG, SF, PF. PF All star the most along with SG and they'll be fine

Vampire story any better?

It's pretty good, other than the before-mentioned grammar concerns. It's better than I thought it would be when I started. You have potential, and I don't say that to everyone.

Should I Take Protein Shakes If I Don't Lift Weights?

IT would be okay to eat a lot of LEAN protein --> Chicken, Red Meat, Turkey. Don't eat the protein shakes because they are extremely fattening and are only intended for those who are working out.

Menstrual-like pain/ third trimester pregnancy?

I am 33 weeks with my second child. I have been experiencing menstrual feeling discomfort in my stomach for over a month now, I never experienced this with my first child but I have heard it is normal. Now today all day I have been having menstrual cramp feeling in my stomach but what is worrying me is that it is getting more painful (not excruciating, just feels like I have my period) more consistently throughout the night. My first child was 2 weeks late so I do not know what to expect with this one if it will come early or what. Does this sound like possible beginnings of contractions? This is nothing close to what I felt with my first child, I had no menstrual feeling pain with him. Any suggestions are appreciated

How can I recover from a relationship with a narcissist (NPD)?

It was our last and final big breakup (I don't know why I kept going back to him). He really tore me down, put me down, criticized me, would twist things to make things my fault instead of his, was completely irrational and unstable and highly sensitive, everything was about him, nothing about me, total disregard for me and pretty much anyone else. What got me swept up into this was the "too perfect" beginnings and all the big things he'd say and talk about our future and his big love for me and all that. Before you know it, you're doing everything for them and basically their servant, while they make you feel like a terrible, horrible person. I'm supposed to be relieved he ended things for good this time on some ridiculous reason blaming me of course that doesn't make sense - but I'm still so confused and hurt and heartbroken. Please help! Thanks.

Is there a fastforward button on the "life" playlist?

Well what keeps my from ending life is to think about what I want to do in the future, I've been where you're at dude and trying to figure out the point of life will suck all the life out of you, JUST LIVE IT. What you have my friend is a Picasso situation in your head, so do I and that is something to be proud of. What I mean like a work from Picasso, your mind/life is a little difficult to navigate through but the fact that that you're alive makes you a piece of timeless art and you are the only person who knows the theme, emotions, and purpose of it(meaning your life) I know a lot of what I'm isn't making sense but try to message me and I'll try to help you.

What does it mean to dream about being pregnant?

For the past 3 nights I've dreams that I was pregnant. I've looked this up a lot and saw that it could mean new beginnings but I'm positive that nothing is going to or about to change in my life. Could this mean that I'm actually pregnant? No I've not been trying but it is possible that I am.

Is my (SoulSilver) Pokemon team good enough to beat Red? Eevee question too!?

red is tough i actually recommend leveling them up to level 70 each if you feel okay with having an hm slave go ahead i would definitely use swampert instead of snorlax go ahead and evolve eevee

I need to find out the name of the movie?

A guy who is a scientist and has a machine that can make people small, and once his kids by mistake uses that machine and they get smaller,

My dad needs brain coiling surgery - How to arrange it?

The ruptured aneurysm is very deep in his brain, the country he is in doesn't have proper machines/monitoring equipment to perform the surgery, surgeons around here have never performed one this deep, and he is not transportable. PLEASE give suggestions! My family is desperate!

Having trouble starting a fantasy story...?

Plunge right into the action -- without any sort of development -- then develop that. I am quite serious. The secret of an exciting opening is that you start in the middle and then bring the reader up to speed. Also show don't tell, but that means find something in the situation where someone is DOING something, and SHOW them doing it. Don't EXPLAIN them doing it -- yet. You should be able to make it clear what is going on later.

Final Fantasy 13 Death spell trouble on Neochu for the Growth Egg?

the belladona wand increases the likely hood of de-buffing enemies and is your best bet for using death.

How do you handle a family member who's constantly seeking compliments?

-Start being 100% HONEST with Them -and they'll start thinking TWICE about asking you, in the First Place !! ;)

Do cardio machines tone/build muscle on your legs?

I kno tht it does tone yur legs. It is great tht yu do it for an hr 5x/wk. Wat may also hlp is squats, n leg machines at a gym. But wat yu are doin is fine.

What happened after this dream ? and what does it mean ?

the flavor of a group of people conceals it's true identity, and you seem to feel ashamed of the traditional values you have been brought up with, and in concealing those values, have forgotten your will and insight, and the consequence of of this is and you become an extremely evil person, who is violent and hateful.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How do you wash your cloth diapers?

My baby hasn't been born yet, but I'm all set to use cloth diapers. I plan on just scooping out as much of the chunks as possible and washing them like regular clothes - then popping them in the dryer. They say your supposed to hang dry them, but it's winter up here like 7 months out of the year so that's not really possible unless I want diapers hanging all over my house lol. I will put them out in the sun once and awhile in the summer though, because that will help bleach out some of the stains that will likely build up. Good luck!

Tattoo ideas about new beginning???

ive been through the absolute worst three and a half months of my life currently. To say the least, my fiance and me spit up. I want to get a tattoo to just help me push through this hard time that symbolized new beginnings. ive heard of the phoenix, but am lookin for other ideas.... thanks too all who anwser!!!!

Is my older cousin acting insecure?

You said she comes from a not so good child hood, as in economically. She probably is just proud of herself for making it this far, and she wants you to be proud of her to, maybe say "I love you, but why do you need my compliments? I've very proud of you for everything you've done, but it's starting to come off as bragging" You could also do any other kind way of putting it, its your choice. Hope this helped, have a nice day <3

When should boys start shaving?

My son is 7 years old and he already has the beginnings of a moustache. This is so wierd! SHould he start shaving, i dont want him to be the only boy in elementary school with facial hair!

Can I stop zithromax after 3 days instead of 5?

Rather than simply stopping the Zithromax early, you are better off replacing it with a different antibiotic (erythromycin is one of the drugs of choice for this bacteria). Stopping antibiotics early favors the emergence of drug resistant bacteria that are more difficult to treat successfully. Another consideration is that if some of these bacteria are still hanging around in your throat after only 3 days a Zithro, you are a potential health threat to others you come in contact with. Pertussis is highly communicable, and can cause serious disease in adults, and death in infants and young kids. Don't fool around with this.

Beatles mersey beat newspaper?

My mom recently gave me an original copy of the mersey beat newspaper. Its from January 4-18 1962 its the beatles top poll. The cover say" The beginnings of The Beatles". Its in good condition and I was just wondering if anyone knew what it could be worth? And if not where I could find out? Thanks so much for reading :)

Can these be signs of pregnancy?

I haven't did a pregnancy test yet, but I just wanna make sure if i'am getting these symptoms right or i'm not over thinking this before I take the test. Okay, I wanna make sure but my curious symptoms are. I'm having food cravings, with sweet foods, like ice cream and i'd satisfy those cravings even when i'm not hungry. I have been getting tired a lot lately, even when I have a good night sleep, I would still wake being a drag. My irritability has really taken a rise up and random mood swings, suddenly i'll be happy and then suddenly i'm really depressed. I've been getting headaches a lot lately. I have been gained a few extra pounds gotten chubby, It could be from the food i've been eating or not. But I've been trying to work out, I used to a lot and i just can't get myself to work out anymore, it just seems hard to do. My feet been sore a lot lately also and I have no reason for them to be sore, they just are. Plus my boyfriend had a dream about "snakes" which him to means that someone is pregnant or new beginnings. and with the menstrual system i was only a week late, but i'm not to sure if that has an effect or not. Please all answers and tips would be helpful. I'm a bit freaked out.

Final fantasy 13 need help?

Sadly, Gran Pulse is a place where you're going to be doing some major CP grinding. I did the same thing you did, and I got wiped out. My best advice is to do some of the Cie'th stone missions (that's what I did) before moving on. It lessens the boringness of having to just go from fight to fight.

Bit by spider while moving hay!?

Do not be alarmed. Those rare spiders have been known to cause unusual superpower effects in the victim, post-bite. You may be surprised to find that your physical capabilities have significantly improved, but do not take this as a license for vigilantism. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

What is the name of this movie please help!!?

Its about like 2 or 3 teens that build a machine that changes the weather? i think i saw it on disney channel a long time ago but i dont remember!:/ please help me....

What should the beginning of my story be?

You could have Superman save the day once again, then return home as his normal self to his daughter. They then have a conversation about super powers.

Metalheads: Thrash revival?

Is it just me or is there sort of a thrash revival movement within metal (and Im not talking like the stuff you hear on the radio). The Big Four have been on a push wih their tour together, theyve been pushing to get more albums out and their fan base has substantially grown. Also there are quite a few bands that are independent at the moment that are thras like Great Awakening and Horns. Am I the only one seeing the beginnings of a thrash revival or is it just a thrash metal fangirl dreaming?

What Does This Vampire Dream Mean?

nowadays i am having a dream it is very weird please tell me its meaning in my dream there was a young woman who wore purple lipstick and was fair she was my friend suddenly she showed me her fangs and was about to kill me i really woke up.(tell me the meaning please)

CPU bent pins need to know if it can be repaired?

Basically tried putting the cpu in the slot and one pin has bent is an outside corner pin its a brand new cpu aswell as it arrived today it was a replacement for the last cpu as the pins in that one did the same thing, i am stressing out big time i have tried tweezers to straighten the one pinand its barely noticeable now but when i inserted it into the socket and turned the machine on the fan spun round and there was a loud beep lasting a few seconds but that wont stop till the pc is turned off, is there any way i/we can fix this issue or do i have to buy another cpu and if i have to buy another cpu can i get a professional to fit the cpu into the socket? i must admit its really annoyed me i dont know anything about pc's it was my friend who bent both cpu's i read its easily done and most of the time it happens. Any advice will be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Does anyone know of a service that can turn your idea into a product?

I'm looking for a company that knows a lot about product development, prototyping, and machining to take my product idea and create it. Does anyone know of a company that does this? Thanks in advance

Do you like this so far for a 13 year olds writing?

it was okay, but you need to check the spelling and when you were explaining who everyone is, it was too abrupt. i would suggest putting that part after the fight... because if you were really in a fight you wouldnt get off topic, you would just be thinking about how to stay alive, and dont say "let me just summarize" after this whole fight scene is over i would suggest that mabey on the car ride back home, when nothing important is going on to say something like "so as you may have figured out, im a vampire. But im not the only paranormal in this car. Haidas is a seer,l so she sees half visions which tend to come in haandy. Teris, well he's a shawna, which is basically a half vampire and half seer." and while your in the fight scene, you should make little clues that will get the reader to already know what Sendia is. say things like, instead of my teeth chattered against eachother and rattled my brain. say "my fangs chattered against each other and rattled my brain" and instead of telling the reader the main characters name right off the bat, make them wait and wonder a little, it will keep their attention. and so i suggest that after you explain what everyone is, you have some one say something like have Haidas say to Teris "your lucky, man. If Sendia hadn't killed that minotaur then you would be dead right now" and then everyone will know her name. and avoid using words like thingy.... this is a very good start, the story so far is good... it grabs your attention... you just need to get better vocabulary and spelling. hope this helps :)

Why are health and human services case workers so rude and incompetent? *read details*?

I think they see themselves working their butts off while a bunch of greedy losers want life paid for by tax payers. You have to admit, that has to get old.

Am I a just weird or hungry?

Ok so when I'm bored I like biting myself sometimes biting others. I love the the feeling of human skin between my teeth. Sinking my fangs and all into the skin. Slowly going down and wanting to chop it right off. I like biting myself mostly, because I love the feeling when you can sang your teeth into something. Hard but squishy feeling when you eat something. Though I do leave bite marks on my self (sometimes hickeys), I just can't get enough of it. Am I weird or hungry?

Me and my sister share a room and its bad?

dang that sucks but don't worry i'm in that same state with you and ik it's freaking annoying. just talk to your folks about it.

What do you think of me having real top and bottom fangs ?

I love my fangs but at times i think of getting them shaved down. They make me ..i guess me but any who should they stay or go lol

My friend made me obese?

I know all the details because my friend confessed and told me all this yesterday. So im a guy, 15 and it basically started last year when my friend started lending me some money when I forgot my wallet so I could buy a snack from the vending machine. Then he started coming with me to the vending machine and offering to pay for my snack everyday. He then started buying me two snacks everyday even though I didn't ask and just said I could pay him back next time we went into town or something. So for a few weeks he would buy me two or three snacks everyday and needless to say the increase in calories was beginning to show. My friend said it really started when this happened as he saw me in swimming and noticed I looked chubbier. But it got worse over the next few months, he started buying me more and more snacks and with an increasing appetite and him being so nice I just happily ate. Every two weeks we would go into town to mcdonalds and he suggested an eating contest where the winner got to eat all the food and the loser had to pay for it. As I was getting bigger I always won and found myself eating 5 extra large big macs, fries, ice cream and feeling generally stuffed by the end. At school he would buy me extra snacks to take home and for the weekend in case I got hungry. When I went round to his house he always had plenty of snacks in and we always pigged out, me especially as I got bigger I began to lose control of my appetite, there was a point where I knew I was putting on weight, but I felt so hungry that I wanted more. On my birthday we spent the day in town shopping, I asked if we could get lunch and snacks but he said no, I moaned all day about how hungry I was but he said we wern't eating. Then when we got back to his house he had 3 birthday cakes, biscuits, chocolate and eclairs and said it was my birthday feast which I devoured like a pig. By new year of this year I had just hit the 200lbs mark. As of today I weight 230lbs. Yesterday was our annual yearly fitness test. Not surprisingly there was a lot to say for mine considering I can barely jog now. My teacher told me I had gained 80lbs in a year and my fitness had gone from average weight to morbidly obese. These words made me and my friend stop and think. I had been happy being overweight and he didn't mind making me fat. But when I told him I was morbidly obese and how much I weigh he said it was time to stop, he had just wanted me to get a bit fat for fun but it had got out of hand and now it had to stop. Now what do I do? I know most of you will say lose the weight but any advice?

Are there any kind of worms in the U.S. that people get that come out of their skin Not the kind you poop out.?

they're coming out of this persons skin in all different places. The head looks like it has claws or a jaw with fangs. You cannot pull the whole thing out. No Dr. will take her serious. Is this real or could it be mental.

How should I start/begin my story?

erm i think start from the basics which is who what why when and where ok and it doesnt matter if its LAME in the begining keep it like that then look at it add detail so if they lived in Fringstorm then explain it like Fringstorm the capital of wherever and so on and so forth then u can add funny bits like the perverted old knight make it he give them a riddle then says something dirty at the end and get the girls to whack him over the head with a frying pan or something make it enjoyable ^^

Which Eevee Evolution should I choose?

I would go with espeon. Then take out the pidgeotto or togetic and replace it with another pokemon like tyranitar (larvitar found in the safari zone). Or take your eevee and breed it with a ditto then you could have both espeon and umbreon. An umbreon would be good for your team since you dont have very defensive pokemon on your team.

Young dog with the beginnings of mouth problems.?

I have a seven-month-old spaniel/shepherd cross, and I've noticed that she seems to already have the beginnings of gum disease. A few of her teeth have a thin red line above them- the canines and some of the molars- and there is a tiny bit of rough yellow-white buildup in the creases of her back molars that I haven't been able to scrape off with my nails as before. She's fed dry food and chews on ropes, Nylabones and rawhides, and I intend to begin brushing her teeth every day. (I wasn't before, since I didn't want her to associate having her teeth brushed with pain from the places where she was still losing teeth). Is it normal for an otherwise healthy, active puppy this young to have the beginnings of mouth problems? Can anyone recommend what else I should be doing? Even brushing every day, will a dog eventually need to have a veterinarian scale their teeth regularly? How long, if left unattended (not that I intend to ignore this!) does it take for gum disease to set in?

What should I do? Teeth... ):?

have like fangs and they are now slotting into place. They are making one of my teeth go slanted. How could I get this fixed without braces. As my other teeth are fine, it is just my fangs and 1 tooth =/ Would pushing them into place help? xxx

Monday, July 11, 2011

Please Help Me To Lose Weight?

I need to lose weight (100 pounds) but I don't know how to stay motivated. I start college in 6-7 weeks and I would at least like to lose 35-40 pounds by then. I don't want to take diet pills. I have membership to the gym so what machines should I work out on and how long.

Give an interpretation on my favorite quote!...Easy 2 Points?

Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings. -- Ralph Blum

All about exercising the butt?

Hi,I would like to ask you guys if i am riding on a stationary bike meaning those machines instead of those real bike is it a good way to lose weight and does it target the bum especially cause recently i noticed that my bum started to expand and is noticeable

How do I write an attention-grabbing beginning for a novel?

I am 13 years old and have a whole bunch of stories to write in my head. Problem is, I can't get past the first few sentences. And if I do I always end up ripping the pages out of my notebook and restarting. Does anybody have a good strategy for writing beginnings?


Electivire because you have a perfect team so far. All it needs is a electric type because that would make your team ready for any type of combat. Psychic moves are super effective to very few Pokemon. Electric Pokemon are super effective to water Pokemon. It will be very rare for a Pokemon trainer to have a ground type Pokemon. One good move for Electivire is Giga Impact. Another is Hyper Beam or Earthquake.

Why are there so many spherical and circular patterns in space?

It just amazes me. Circles have no beginnings and no ends....therefore is space infinite? Planetary motion amazes me.

What sewing machine should I buy?

i'm look for a sewing machine, I have never sowed in my life, once I learn the basics i'm going to be sewing dress clothing, I have been told that the Janome brand is one of the best... Help...Please...

How do you deal with people who show off & seek compliments? Why do they do this?

I wouldnt do anything really, probably just ignore the person. Some people are like that. Don't give them unnecessary compliments.

If you flat out admit you're using the same PC as a friend, could you get caught?

My friend Cycling Road has been suspended just for using this machine and being at a lower level than me and he never got unsuspended. I didn't flat out admin we use the same PC or were the same person so how did Yahoo find out?

What should I do about my dog?

YOU should be put down for even thinking that, the poor dog has been loyal for 10 years, and you want to give her away? it's people like you that ruin the world,. Ask freinds of the family if they would take her, if not put up flyers seeing if anyone wants her

What do you think, Story for class............?

you could of added more details, since the Holocaust was such a negative, but important part of the world's history. Overall, it was a very good story, Very nice to read.

Why do YOU like/dislike anime?

Well... It's a cartoon, make by the Japanese, that isn't stupid like the cartoons nowadays on cartoon network. :D

Is it a virgo trait to show off?

what you're describing sounds like the "anti-virgo". check the rest of the chart, for probably a lot of leo placements.

Why is the big bang deemed the beginning of all beginnings?

This time the answer can be formulated under the form of a question. That is: If you have an infinitely big animal farm (with chickens...) for infinite amount of time - then what is the probability for no more than one egg to appear? The answer to this question should speak for itself about the probability that the big bang is the only type of matter ever created. Even if you assume that time doesn't exist prior to the bang - this is purely erronous concept since the very existence of virtual particles creates doesn't matter if the process is not continous. The obvious problem is...namely the type of matter. It's quite possible that the big bang is the creator of any baryons, leptops, etc...but other bangs might create exotic matter that is undetectable or even 'unreactable' with the matter in our matter. So in a nutshell: it's time to think not of a Big Bang theory but of a Fireworks theory - speaking of's quite likely that right now new universes are being formulated somewhere in space, just like it has happened 13 billion years ago....that is new naked singularities. What do you think? 10x!

Question about the chest press machine?

No, the press works your triceps, not your biceps. Btw, the press is the same, weather you're laying down or sitting up, since you're on a machine.. Unless you are pushing the bars up vertically over your head, in which case that is a military press

Can I kiss with a retainer? Help Please?

DEFINITELY NOT!! unless they are permanently attatched with some kind of glue. Ive heard stories of it coming off! i wouldnt risk it

I have a problem involving child support and best intrest. Im the father?

for over 3 years me and my ex have been in a off and on relationship untill her recently we decided to go our seperate ways... mainly because she wasnt mature enough for me she only caused me grief and problems me and her are both 19 so i left her but on our last sexual encounter she got pregenent well... of course i was destroyed... one because i cant stand her i hate her with a burning passion and two because was never mother material she is basicly a 13 year old in a 19 year old body... but anyways my son was born and he is now a year old and right now he has been in and out of the hospital sence he was born idk if its because he has some serious medical problems or if its because my stupid ex neglects him i was able to be there for his birth which i will say was the worst experience of my life not him being born but my exs mother making it the worst... but sence ik i wanted to do the right thing i wanted to be there for my son but my ex made it impossible...i was currently seeing a new girl before he was born and i basicly left her in the dust just so i could be there for my son which required me to somehow make things work with my ex.... it tore me up inside it did... but a week went by and it just wasnt gona work me and my ex constantly faught and i just couldnt do it i never wanted to leave my son but i just couldnt put my son threw constant fighting and that wasnt the type of enviorment i wanted him growing up in so i got back with my new gf that im with currently and happly :) but my ex made things impossible with me seeing and trying to help my son...... i wanted to see my son but every time i would go see my son i would be judged because i wasnt doing someting wrong... and the only thing she wanted to do was try and get in my pants and i wasnt gona do that anymore... i was happy with my new gf and i wasnt gona let her **** that up so i stopped going over to her house to see my son because of her ik that sounds bad but i didnt knw what else to do i wanted to keep seeing my son but i wasnt gona let her keep letting her try and have her way with me i told her that if she ever needed my help with anything to tell me and i would help in any way i could but sence i was with my new gf she didnt wana have nothing to do with me because she hatted my new gf with a passion because she blames her for why me and her never worked out she says she stole me away from her and all this bs so here we are today 6/30/11 me and my new gf are currently expecting :) yes ik im a baby machine but sence i wasnt there for my first son to have the hole experience of being a dad this is a new and exciting experience for me but my ex is making things difficult because she is putting child support on me which i think is bs... because i told her that if she ever needed help i would last chrismas i got my first son like 6 outfits worth of clothing and she rejected them all why idk i offered to give her money for my son if he ever needed anything and when she ever asked me for money it wasnt for him it was for stupid bs like for cigs or for her prom crap or gas and i told her no and over this past year iv seen how she is at being a mom and she is doing horable she constanly is giving him off to other people to watch him while she drives around town for hours doing nothing exept sleeping with guys and hanging out with her friends she hasnt had my son with her for a fulll week sence he was born and now she is putting child support on me and i can almost bet its because she wants money and idk what to do....i am currently unemployed and unable to work because i cant see my eye sight is so horable i cant see anything thats not a foot from my face and me and my gf are struggling as it just trying to make it by with one job untill i can get back up on my feet and ik this sounds bad but i do not wana pay that stupid ***** child support because ik that money wont go to him it will alll go to her and thats not what i want but ik the judge wont care because here in arkansas they protect the mothers more than the fathers and i can understand why but in this case i dont knw what would happen... i dont have money to hire a layer to try and fight for custody so he can be with someone that will at least care for him... and not ditch him off constantly and all of this is just stressing me out bad because idk how the court system works and idk if im doing something wrong or what im suppost to do i just really need some advice from someone more experienced...

Would you consider this a big goal, if not what is a "big goal"?

i love watching baseball and hockey, and for my whole life, i have wanted to get into a good college, get a good job that pays well with good hours, and get season tickets to both a baseball and hockey team. i know there would be a slight inter period when they would overlap, but that would be okay, to me, it would be like year round heaven to get to go to all those games. but, now i'm a JR in high school, and we're starting to write stuff like beginnings to college essays and about our dreams and goals. i couldn't think of a topic, and my teacher asked me, "Well, what do you love to do?" i answered, "i love to watch hockey and baseball, as a matter of fact, that's really all i want for my life to be complete- season tickets to both." because even though that might not be the best essay for college, that answered her question about what i love to do. she then replied, "oh come on, to get any were in life, you really need to dream big and have big goals." this really upsets me. to me, that is a big goal. its what i love. would you consider it a big goal? if not, compare it to something that you think is a "big goal" pleas and let me know. thanks.

What is the name of the song played in this commercial?

That commercial made by Carls Jr about the robot that cant eat the food? Machines cant eat it, machines shouldn't make it. what is the song played during this commercial. Thanks

Who or what are the big winners (and losers) of America's feminist movement of the 1960's to present?

We need a new movement like feminism for men too. The biggest problem with feminism is that it's encouraged women to be more "masculine" without allowing men to be more "feminine"... this produces an unbalanced atmosphere, I think. Men NEED to embrace what's tender, reflective, soft, in themselves before the planet is plunged into the fires of hyper-masculinity that feminism has created. Odd that feminism has "liberated" women into acting more and more like men. What we needed was a feminism that liberated men into embracing their feminine side. It would do humanity good if we all looked at every issue as a mother would... really saw the value in each individual and were carefuller in terms of war, etc. Women were always amazing, they didn't need liberation except from the societal abuse of men... which can only happen when men are just as liberated from their id, ego, and superego and truly see the value in eachother about the value of power.

Would it ruin our relationship if we had a threesome with another girl?

Whether it will ruin your relationship or not, will not be known until after the threesome. That's the bummer part of couples having group sex for the first time.....uncharted territory. If you look at the percentages, most couples do have problems. Someone usually feels left out, jealous or inadequate. For me, threesomes are not worth the risk of ruining a good relationship. But I cannot lie, I have had a few and some were really hot and mind blowing. That is always the temptation. Perhaps you are one of the lucky few couples who are secure enough in your relationship not have issues. I would never assume that, but there are a few couples out there that make threesomes work in their relationships. Talk it over carefully with all parties and if anyone is not 100% into doing it with great confidence they will be OK, don't do it.

What should i do? Please help!?

You should do a lot of cardio first to lose the fat. Then start to add in weight lifting, etc and eat more protein. Increase the amount and intensity of the chest exercises as you get better. Then, when you have your ideal body, keep the level of difficulty constant, unless your chest starts to get too big. Then you can decrease the amount and intensity a little bit, and it should get smaller pretty quickly. Good luck!

Will doing 1 hr of cardio excercise each day help..?

lose weight on my thighs? or will it bulk them up. Oh, and the cardio excercise is using the ";ateral thigh trainer" - it is basically a stepping machine/

Will I lose weight if..?

If you keep at it, then yes. You should probably try running or walking, which could help a lot too. If you do and you eat right, like you are doing, then you could also maybe get down to 100, but I would think you would totally get to your goal by the time school starts :)

How Can I Improve My Party For The Elite Four In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

This seems like a good lineup. For easy victory, level 60 on each would probably work well. Usually, I do the worse thing and level one up to 70 and the others only in the 50s, if even that high. So if they are all in the low 60s, you probably have a guaranteed victory, unless you are really bad at Pokemon.

Dreamt of a snake bitng me on the neck...?

I had a dream tat a snake bit my brother i was in a car he came out of my moms walke up 2 da car i had yelled out watch out theres a snake then it had bit him i then seen him his leg was swollen he had a wrap around his leg & he had crutches i woke da next morning thinking tat was a wierd dream so i went 2 my moms house my brother came out his leg was swollen & wrapped & he had crutches but a snake didnt bite him he had gout go figure

What if there is no such thing as nothing?

a vacuum isn't truly empty, even a singularity is infinite length/density/temperature.what if there is no such thing as absolutely nothing, what if reality has a simple property, it has a value and a rate of change that is never exactly zero, but can fluctuate?The universe could have fluctuated out of such a field. what if there is nothing less than 1D? the universe, at its earliest beginnings was so small it was a quantum event (meaning it operated under a different set of laws that violate our common sense. laws in themselves are just properties of matter. it is theorized that the most fundamental component of matter is strings (1D) if it vibrates one way its a proton, if it vibrates another way its a neutron etc. all reality could be composed of these strings, and this single demention can build larger dementions. what are your ideas or opinions?

How do I tell if I have my own writing style :P?

Everyone has his or her own unique writing style, even young children. And everyone's writing style changes over time, as he or she learns more in school, is influenced by reading what others have written, and of course by practicing. I guess I'm a little confused by what you're asking here. In general, my advice would be to just keep writing. Don't worry about your style. If you really love writing (and from what you said, it seems like you do), then just write.

Writing what you know...?

I rarely write what I know. My story takes place in locations I have never been to. I don't try to get real detailed about the characters' surroundings, but I make sure to put in enough details to enhance the story/description. I can find out just enough by researching online if I need a street name or certain geographical points. The majority of my characters are British which means in most cases they have different words for things than we do or different ways of saying things and different speech patterns. I don't know if my portrayal of them is perfect in these respects but I try to be true to their background and heritage. Even a simple thing like one of them being in a relationship, I don't have a lot of personal knowledge to go by in how to live with someone and build a romantic relationship but I go with my own emotions and do the best I can with the rest. It's all pretty much trial and error anyway. No one knows what the hell we're doing when it comes to some relationships so I imagine the things that would be different for me if I were in a relationship as opposed to what I knew in my single life and try to figure out how the characters might work through those changes.

Give your intrepretation on my Favorite Quote...Easy 2 Points?

Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings. -- Ralph Blum

Disney Photopass Picture Copy?

About a year ago, my best friend and I went to Disney and bought some photos off our Photopass. We didn't buy the CD, just the pictures. We only got 1 print of our favorite picture (that's all we could afford) and now want to make a copy of it. We can't take it to Walmart or Walgreens or something like that because it's copyrighted and we don't own the rights to it. I have a copy machine at home, but it makes awful prints. I was wondering if I took the picture back to the Disney Photopass desk when I go next week if they would copy it for me if I payed them for the copied print. Does anybody know if they do this?

Where can I find a place for free baby stuff...?

A friend of mine just moved from here...Her comfort Houston, TX, with her b/f and their 2 young children. She's trying to get everything set up in TX (like her WIC, food stamps, medical card, etc). However, she is looking for a place in her area that gives away free baby stuff. There is a place here called "New Beginnings" and it's totally funded by donations and staffed by volunteers and it specifically caters to women and children. If you are pregnant, and unmarried, they will help you get on your feet. You had provide proof of income to make sure that you weren't taking advantage of the system. So, my friend is looking for a place like this. If it helps any, she lives on Longview St. (or Dr.) and her zip code is 77015. Any help in this would be greatly appreciated!!

Beta Fish has fin rot. Not sure what meds to give him?

My two year old red Beta named Fred has recently contracted a slight case of fin rot. I say "slight case" because its only on the edges on his top fin and alittle more progressed on his bottom fins. Its however very troublesome to me as he is my fish and I love him. I`ve had a few betas in the past and they never got sick and lived 4ish years. I am not one of those beta ppl who keep the fish in a teeny tiny 1 gallon tank. My fish lives all by himself in a 10 gallon, filtered and heated tank. I change 25% of the water each week and add the appropriate clorine and othe harmful tap water chemical removers, along with a waste control additive which cuts down waste. I also add "cycle" to promote the good bacteria to benefit the cycling of ammonia to nitrite and nitrate. The temp in the tank is kept at a constant 80 degrees. This is the first time this has ever happened to me with any fish as I try my greatest to take good care of them! He eats beta flake fish food. Lately he hasn`t been eating as much, I figured he must not be too hungry, I fed him alittle less the next day. He them seemed lazy. I figured he might be getting old. I studied him and noticed the beginnings of fin rot. He just isn`t himself and this pains me because I`m worried he`s in pain. I DID RESEARCH ON FIN ROT AND THE PICS ONLINE SEEM TO MATCH UP WITH HIS CONDITION! So now I am worried because all the website tell me to give him this or that med, but then others contridict the first website saying that this and that med isn`t effective. So now I am confused. I added two tablespoons of kosher salt to the water to help keep the fins clean. Now I just need advice on what meds to get him. Thanks.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

What do you think of this?

The poem's good, and definately something we can sink our teeth into. However, sometimes mixing free verse with iambic pentameter, makes for a rocky flow, and it is a little here. The imagery is good though,and you're right, Dracula bleeds Twilight dry by comparison. Anyway, Good Job, and Keep Frighting!---------------------william

What is the best skincare range for combination skin for a late 20s woman?

my situations similar-i never did anything to my face and never had a zit til i started to-which was after college. my skin is olive toned and used to be flawless now its wrecked with scars and blotchiness and oiliness and dryness. its stupid. the only things i have found that work for me are baking soda as an exfoliator-i use it once or twice a week on my t zone and hairline. you can also use baking soda mixed with water as a paste to dry like a mask. i also use clinique dark spot removal-its pricey but it does work with regular use-my face feels silky smooth and some scras have completely gone away since i started using it in january. i dont know what to tell you about dark circles under eyes. besides that all i can offer you is empathy.

I have 1 tooth which in going out of place?

I have like fangs and they are now slotting into place. They are making one of my teeth go slanted. How could I get this fixed without braces. As my other teeth are fine!

Entitlement Spending.. the new "Communism"? wow.. and here I just thought we were taking care of our own?

There are people in every major urban area in the US who are fourth generation lifetime welfare recipients. They don't work; their parents didn't work, their grandparents didn't work, and their greatgrandparents didn't work. Is this your idea of "taking care of our own?" Or are we really talking here about creating a culture of dependency on the government in exchange for Democrat votes?

Should i have a no resuscitation order or should i choose be hooked up to a heart of lung machine so i live?

my living will / advanced directives says i don't want an N G tube or any heart or lung machines even if i may be able to live a normal life . i don't want to be on life support or any kind of artificial stuff tubing or machines . i already went through that before and it was too painful . but at the same time i m still alive and as well as i am . so i should be happy .

What do you think of the beginnings of my story?

This is really good.You are an excellent writer.I am a writer myself and I write stories & books too.I just gotta say great job.(:

What book should I read?

Tuesdays With Morrie was one of my favorites. It is so touching and deep with its character sketches. You will love Morrie. I loved it so much that I read The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Mitch Albom really has a way with story telling. Read it, you won't regret it. If it were me, I would read them all. Summer is three months long and you need something to do at the beach, right?

Have you guys heard about Herbert Hoover?

I agree 100% with your comparison of the two greatest economic calamities to befall us. I am amazed at how soon the public forgot about how near we were to another depression in October 2008 when President Bush announced that we were on the verge of a financial disaster unless we took immediate action in the form of bailing out our largest banks. Even McCain said he agreed that an infusion of government money was necessary to stem the disaster. Obama did the right thing and we are slowly on the way to recovery.

What in the world is causing my symptoms?

every once in a while i will start to sweat really bad but i will have goose bumps, i will get dizzy, my hands will shake really bad and i feel like i'm going to pass out, usually after i eat something i will start to feel better. i have had blood work before but the doctor said everything looks normal. this just happened while i was at work and i went to the snack machine and ate something and after about 10 minutes i feel back to normal. what is going on? i ate breakfast this morning and i'm not on a diet or anything.

Pokemon Soul silver gym question?

You have a chance with Heracross because he knows brick break. But you need a fire pokemon and/or fighting. Also ground moves will do good. Use uselss pokemon for that gym (Flaafy and Dratini) as 'tools' so you can use-- [Potions, revives, and XATTACKS etc]

My dog keeps loosing teeth?

He's a 6 month chihuahua and every time i seem to open his mouth 2-4 teeth are missing. He just lost 2 more teeth that he had barely grew to replace the others with. no one of his fangs fell. is it normal? It's been 2 months that this has happen.

Where can i get a schematic for a whirlpool washing machine display?

I have a whirlpool washing machine mod# gvw9959kl2. The display panel is bad part# 8563810. I have been looking for a website that has the wiring schematic for the display and haven't had any luck so far. Does anyone have an idea?

Fang Bang..........................… you on the neck*?

YES!!!! I would let Eric Northman bite me, have me for dinner and whatever else he wants.... He's perfection XD

How does an NCP season ticket work?

Does anyone know how season tickets work on an NCP car park where standard paying customers would normally take a ticket out of the machine on entrance and then submit it to validate when leaving the car park? I realise that it would probably be displayed on the dashboard if it were an open air car park, but this specific car park is a multi storey where you have to get a ticket up front before the barrier will open to let you in. Thanks in advance.

Would you say a pitbull is bad or the dog owner?

Pitbulls have such a bad rap, and so many are in shelters. Where I live there is no euthanization...thank god, but lots of pitbulls. I'm I the only one annoyed to hear how they are so mentally retarded it makes them a killing machine? I'll agree they are super strong, but if raised from a puppy by a good owner they'd have a good chance just like the rest. I've even seen pitbulls raised from bad homes transformed and became complete safe family dogs. Would you blame the owners?

Are my pomegranate trees dead?

We have four fruit trees: an apple, a fig, and two pomegranate. Both pomegranate trees were extremely productive last fall, but we acquired them in August when fruits were already starting to form, and didn't witness spring. The other two trees have grown in their leaves, bloomed, and now have the beginnings of fruit, but the pomegranate trees don't have leaves yet. Is this normal for pomegranate trees? Is there any way to check them for life? I'm a little concerned because they're such hot-weather plants and we had a nasty cold snap this winter (-15 F). Help!

Please help, my tooth is weird!!??!!??!!?

I had one like that but it was worse. It's not really a matter of being normal so much as being straight. As for pointy, it's suppose to be. That's your canine tooth which is a meat cutting tooth. I myself have very pointy canine teeth. Teeth have a tendency to grow in funny. If it's a baby tooth who cares, they fall out. If it's a permanent tooth it's just come in crooked and there's really nothing you can do about it short of indeed going to the dentist to get it realigned with braces or whatever.

Poll: Out of the main characters of Final Fantasy XIII which one is you favourite and why =)?

Lightning cuz she's SO COOL!!! i love her, even though im a she as well. i think she's the only fictional animated female character that i really like, cuz i find most girls in anime annoying.

What are the pros and cons of using an oxygen concentrator with humidifier vs without?

My aunt has lung cancer with the beginnings of fluid build-up in her lungs. Hospice advises using the humidifier on her oxygen concentrator to avoid dry nasal passageways, but wouldn't this cause MORE fluid to build up in her lungs?

Does bleach eat holes in T-shirts?

I had a load of whites and i put a cup of bleach in the bottom of the machine, then threw in my clothes and one of my T-shirts was riddled with holes, but none of the other items were damaged at all.

Why do most people think English football is all about the EPL?

There are several other divisions, the Premier League is just a big corporate rip off machine designed to make rich clubs richer and ruin smaller clubs so why don't more people watch their local sides in the lower divisions?

How to get rid of my big calves?

OMG I have skinny little chicken calves and would die to have bigger calves. if you lose weight from all over your body your calves will also become slimmer. If you do cardio exercise e.g. jogging/swimming you'll lose weight from everywhere including your calves. CrossRamp could make them appear bigger but because they'll be toned

Going on an international flight, are you allowed to take the following things?

Yes but the medicine has to be in their original bottles and you need to prove that you are diabetic in order to take that lancer. You usually cannot take anything sharp on the plane at all but if you have a certain medical condition that you can prove then that instrument is allowed. Also the refresh tears has to be under 3 oz.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Washing machine helpppp !!!!?

Ok im 13 and i was just trying to help my mum out by doing the washing and and i did the lights and there was this kind of light pink blanket and i put it in and now there's a pink patch on my mums white jeans. :( how can i get the pink dye out? can i bleach the jeans and if how?/?? please help :(

Fish tank-air buubles?

I just bought a 10 gallon fish tank and Hooked up an air bubble machine to it. But now it seems the water level has dropped over night ? I don't have any fish in it yet. Could the bubbles be making the water level drop?

Rate my Elite four Rematch Team? Pokemon White?

Nice team man! Great moves, followed by lots of types. Zekrom seems to be missing, but I believe you should open a can of kick *** on them! You might want to try having a few pp maxes, and a few hundred full revives. they have moves that do more damage than you'd believe sometimes/ I would know. I went in with 1 lvl. 100 and got beasted 3rd pokemon in. They are really strong. And, as a very wise man once said "Only do, there is no try."

I found a weird spider i've never seen before, what kind is it?

It was orange-ish with huge black fangs, it had pretty long legs and was just really creepy looking. I don't wanna google it because i'm so scared of spiders that i can't even look at pictures of them without freaking out. I live in Sweden btw.

Very swollen bug bite - not sure if I should see a doctor? can never be too careful. The sharpie idea is very good. I would suggest that you continue to watch the area and if it does not change color, swell, or begin to hurt very bad, then you may just be ok. However, if the symptoms change just have it looked at to make sure

I have a child support related problem im the dad?

for over 3 years me and my ex have been in a off and on relationship untill her recently we decided to go our seperate ways... mainly because she wasnt mature enough for me she only caused me grief and problems me and her are both 19 so i left her but on our last sexual encounter she got pregenent well... of course i was destroyed... one because i cant stand her i hate her with a burning passion and two because was never mother material she is basicly a 13 year old in a 19 year old body... but anyways my son was born and he is now a year old and right now he has been in and out of the hospital sence he was born idk if its because he has some serious medical problems or if its because my stupid ex neglects him i was able to be there for his birth which i will say was the worst experience of my life not him being born but my exs mother making it the worst... but sence ik i wanted to do the right thing i wanted to be there for my son but my ex made it impossible...i was currently seeing a new girl before he was born and i basicly left her in the dust just so i could be there for my son which required me to somehow make things work with my ex.... it tore me up inside it did... but a week went by and it just wasnt gona work me and my ex constantly faught and i just couldnt do it i never wanted to leave my son but i just couldnt put my son threw constant fighting and that wasnt the type of enviorment i wanted him growing up in so i got back with my new gf that im with currently and happly :) but my ex made things impossible with me seeing and trying to help my son...... i wanted to see my son but every time i would go see my son i would be judged because i wasnt doing someting wrong... and the only thing she wanted to do was try and get in my pants and i wasnt gona do that anymore... i was happy with my new gf and i wasnt gona let her **** that up so i stopped going over to her house to see my son because of her ik that sounds bad but i didnt knw what else to do i wanted to keep seeing my son but i wasnt gona let her keep letting her try and have her way with me i told her that if she ever needed my help with anything to tell me and i would help in any way i could but sence i was with my new gf she didnt wana have nothing to do with me because she hatted my new gf with a passion because she blames her for why me and her never worked out she says she stole me away from her and all this bs so here we are today 6/30/11 me and my new gf are currently expecting :) yes ik im a baby machine but sence i wasnt there for my first son to have the hole experience of being a dad this is a new and exciting experience for me but my ex is making things difficult because she is putting child support on me which i think is bs... because i told her that if she ever needed help i would last chrismas i got my first son like 6 outfits worth of clothing and she rejected them all why idk i offered to give her money for my son if he ever needed anything and when she ever asked me for money it wasnt for him it was for stupid bs like for cigs or for her prom crap or gas and i told her no and over this past year iv seen how she is at being a mom and she is doing horable she constanly is giving him off to other people to watch him while she drives around town for hours doing nothing exept sleeping with guys and hanging out with her friends she hasnt had my son with her for a fulll week sence he was born and now she is putting child support on me and i can almost bet its because she wants money and idk what to do....i am currently unemployed and unable to work because i cant see my eye sight is so horable i cant see anything thats not a foot from my face and me and my gf are struggling as it just trying to make it by with one job untill i can get back up on my feet and ik this sounds bad but i do not wana pay that stupid ***** child support because ik that money wont go to him it will alll go to her and thats not what i want but ik the judge wont care because here in arkansas they protect the mothers more than the fathers and i can understand why but in this case i dont knw what would happen... i dont have money to hire a layer to try and fight for custody so he can be with someone that will at least care for him... and not ditch him off constantly and all of this is just stressing me out bad because idk how the court system works and idk if im doing something wrong or what im suppost to do i just really need some advice from someone more experienced...