Monday, July 11, 2011

Would you consider this a big goal, if not what is a "big goal"?

i love watching baseball and hockey, and for my whole life, i have wanted to get into a good college, get a good job that pays well with good hours, and get season tickets to both a baseball and hockey team. i know there would be a slight inter period when they would overlap, but that would be okay, to me, it would be like year round heaven to get to go to all those games. but, now i'm a JR in high school, and we're starting to write stuff like beginnings to college essays and about our dreams and goals. i couldn't think of a topic, and my teacher asked me, "Well, what do you love to do?" i answered, "i love to watch hockey and baseball, as a matter of fact, that's really all i want for my life to be complete- season tickets to both." because even though that might not be the best essay for college, that answered her question about what i love to do. she then replied, "oh come on, to get any were in life, you really need to dream big and have big goals." this really upsets me. to me, that is a big goal. its what i love. would you consider it a big goal? if not, compare it to something that you think is a "big goal" pleas and let me know. thanks.

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