Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why do Republicans say such Vile Things about The President?

I mean I understand you guys don't like him, or agree with him policy wise. But why do you result to such nasty name calling. You guys sit there and talk so much garbage about the guy. He's obviously not as stupid as you guys want to believe he is. He whipped the floor with Sarah palin in 2008 and a New Poll shows if the USA Presidental election was based on Alaskan's being the only state to vote, he would again win by a landslide even in her own state. You guys talk so much trash but look at the candidates you put forth. Again.your setting yourselves up to fall down. Mitt Romney Lost to McCain in 2008 you think his appeal is any stronger after Obama passed healthcare? You're gonna put a walking gaffe machine like Michelle Bachmann up, who will be nothing but a wet dream for every Centrist or left leaning political commentator / writer/ editor? You might as well not even run a candidate .

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