Saturday, July 16, 2011

Overworking muscles and weight loss?

Hi, I am currently trying to slim down for an upcoming vacation towards the end of August. Right now my mian focus is to be lean (losing all the fat first, and then I will dream of toning up). Anywho, I have been doing cardio for about 40 minutes daily which I think is fine, but the question that I have is if I'm overworking on my muscles. After 40 minutes of cardio, I would do leg adductions, and leg abductions, along with leg curls , leg extensions and crunches. I also do bicep curls on the side. I do 60 leg ab and ad, and 20 leg extension and leg curls. I also do 50 crunches on this machine at the gym. I was planning on working my muscles everyday, but people told me its not good, because my muscles wont have a chance to rip, again, I just want to get lean right now because I am overweight. Would I benefit from doing all of this, or should I listen and take breaks every other day, or 2 on 1 off? I also do lunges, and squats at home, is that considered cardio or is that working the muscles too? Also can I do bicep curls at home because I have weights or should I take a break? Thanks

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