Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Do you like this so far for a 13 year olds writing?

it was okay, but you need to check the spelling and when you were explaining who everyone is, it was too abrupt. i would suggest putting that part after the fight... because if you were really in a fight you wouldnt get off topic, you would just be thinking about how to stay alive, and dont say "let me just summarize" after this whole fight scene is over i would suggest that mabey on the car ride back home, when nothing important is going on to say something like "so as you may have figured out, im a vampire. But im not the only paranormal in this car. Haidas is a seer,l so she sees half visions which tend to come in haandy. Teris, well he's a shawna, which is basically a half vampire and half seer." and while your in the fight scene, you should make little clues that will get the reader to already know what Sendia is. say things like, instead of my teeth chattered against eachother and rattled my brain. say "my fangs chattered against each other and rattled my brain" and instead of telling the reader the main characters name right off the bat, make them wait and wonder a little, it will keep their attention. and so i suggest that after you explain what everyone is, you have some one say something like have Haidas say to Teris "your lucky, man. If Sendia hadn't killed that minotaur then you would be dead right now" and then everyone will know her name. and avoid using words like thingy.... this is a very good start, the story so far is good... it grabs your attention... you just need to get better vocabulary and spelling. hope this helps :)

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